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Transforming AP Efficiency: 7 Real-Life Success Stories with Supplier Payment Accuracy Software
Tuesday, June 11, 2024 FlexTecs Discover how leading organizations transformed their accounts payable efficiency with supplier payment accuracy software, uncovering and resolving hidden payment errors in real-time through seven compelling use-cases.
The Ultimate Guide to a Contract Compliance Audit Program
Friday, May 31, 2024 FlexTecs Find out how establishing a contract compliance audit program helps companies stay on top of their supplier agreements, ensure contract terms match the payments they’ve made, and foster a culture of compliance and payment accuracy.
Research / Report
2024 Focus on the Future Report
Thursday, November 30, 2023 AuditBoard, Inc. Widening Risk Exposure Gap Demands Internal Audit Transformation. Organizational capacity to manage risk is not keeping pace with today’s chaotic risk environment, creating a growing gap between risk management capacity and the fast evolving landscape of risk demands.
Research / Report
Supply Chain ESG Risks: Harnessing the Potential of Internal Audit
Sunday, November 5, 2023 AuditBoard, Inc. In a volatile landscape, addressing the complexities of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues in supply chain management is critical. Companies that fail to address these risks can face legal damage, supply chain disruptions, reputational damage, and more.
Research / Report
Risk in Focus 2024: North America
Tuesday, October 17, 2023 AuditBoard, Inc. The Internal Audit Foundation’s inaugural Risk in Focus 2024: North America report, sponsored by AuditBoard, provides practical, data-driven research to help internal auditors and their stakeholders understand this evolving risk environment and prepare audit plans for the year ahead.
Research / Report
The Evolution of SOX
Thursday, September 28, 2023 AuditBoard, Inc. Benchmark your SOX program costs, time, and efforts against results from the 2023 SOX Compliance Survey.
Research / Report
Adapting to Economic Uncertainty: Internal Audit’s Journey
Thursday, August 31, 2023 AuditBoard, Inc. How are internal auditors supporting their organizations in navigating today’s economic uncertainty? That’s what the Chartered Institute of Internal Auditors and AuditBoard set out to reveal in Adapting to Economic Uncertainty: Internal Audit’s Journey, where they researched and analyzed the experiences of 100+ internal audit executives across the UK and Ireland.
Research / Report
2023 ESG Maturity Benchmarking Report
Monday, August 28, 2023 AuditBoard, Inc. Two-thirds of respondents to AuditBoard’s ESG Maturity Benchmarking survey have not implemented ESG controls — which opens organizations up to reputational damage from reporting incomplete or incorrect ESG data and leaves them unprepared to maintain compliance with the upcoming SEC ESG rules and other future reporting requirements.
How to Prepare for Mandatory ESG Reporting
Wednesday, July 12, 2023 AuditBoard, Inc. Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) regulations are in development worldwide, with several set to come into effect for 2024. In this IDC Spotlight Paper, you'll find an overview of the current regulatory environment, five best practices to get started, and ways technology can support ESG reporting.
Research / Report
Navigating Geopolitical Risk: A Resource for Audit and Risk Teams
Wednesday, May 24, 2023 AuditBoard, Inc. With numerous major geopolitical events sending shock waves around the globe over the last few years, executives are increasingly focused on this risk. However, this is an area that internal audit doesn't spend much time on, according to a new joint report from the CIIA, Airmic, and AuditBoard. Download your copy for ways to identify geopolitical risks, case studies, and tools for risk and audit teams to collaborate in their response.
The Integration Imperative: Connecting People, Technology, and Business in a New Era of Risk
Thursday, May 11, 2023 AuditBoard, Inc. Business leaders must be more effective in identifying and understanding the risks and priorities most relevant to their organizations to make informed decisions — and survive in today's volatile risk environment. This resource outlines an integrated path for your organization to more effectively prioritize, connect, and manage the next wave of risk.
Conquering Heightened Risk Exposure in Financial Services: 7 Steps to Transform With Agile
Thursday, May 11, 2023 AuditBoard, Inc. The use of agile in internal audit has increased dramatically in the last few years, especially in the financial sector. Agile auditing is a great way to increase your team's flexibility in responding to emerging risks and allocating resources more effectively. However, transitioning to agile is not without challenges. To help you on your journey, check out the resources in Conquering Heightened Risk Exposure in Financial Services: 7 Steps to Transform With Agile.
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