Results > SOBERLINK: (12)

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How to Prove Substance Abuse in Court:  Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
Friday, May 3, 2024 SOBERLINK This article provides an overview of essential aspects related to proving drug abuse or alcoholism in court.
Alcoholism in Custody Cases: Strategies for Addressing Alcohol Misuse in Divorce and Related Concerns
Thursday, April 18, 2024 SOBERLINK This article explains in detail how to prove alcoholism in divorce in an effective and meaningful way. It will also highlight strategies for navigating these types of cases.
White Paper
The Cost of Choosing Cheap Alcohol Monitoring Options
Tuesday, March 19, 2024 SOBERLINK Distinctions between remote alcohol monitoring systems are not always obvious until problems arise—such as a client attempting to cheat, unclear reports, or the need for testimony.
White Paper
Safeguarding Children: Hidden Dangers of Easy-to-Beat Alcohol Monitoring Technology in Custody Disputes
Tuesday, February 27, 2024 SOBERLINK When it comes to family law and addiction recovery, the ability to monitor an individual’s sobriety accurately is not just a matter of compliance—it’s a safeguard against serious consequences.
White Paper
Must-Read Order Language Outline for Alcohol Monitoring-Involved Orders
Thursday, January 25, 2024 SOBERLINK Boost your Family Law practice's efficacy with Soberlink’s newly updated Order Language Outline.
Drafting a Parenting Plan When Alcohol Abuse is Involved: Updated Guide
Monday, January 1, 2024 SOBERLINK Read this article on how to draft a parenting plan when alcohol abuse is involved, recently updated to include the NCJFCJ Bench Card on Alcohol Use Disorder.
Sample Court Order: Custody Cases with Alcohol Monitoring
Wednesday, January 18, 2023 SOBERLINK Sample, fillable court orders help ensure the language is in line for smooth implementation. When seeking a successful co-parenting plan, use these two complimentary sample orders to keep ever-changing parental schedules on track.
#1 Judge’s Bench Card on Alcohol Use Disorder
Wednesday, April 13, 2022 SOBERLINK For custody cases that involve alcohol misuse, download this bench card to understand how alcohol monitoring plays a crucial role in helping to achieve the goal of an optimal parenting plan.
White Paper
How to Navigate Hearsay in Family Law Cases Involving Alcohol Abuse
Monday, April 11, 2022 SOBERLINK Situations in which one client's word is placed against another can quickly turn into hearsay allegations. Download this white paper to learn how to handle allegations of alcohol misuse in custody cases.
Research / Report
Factors Considered by Judges When Considering Custody Arrangements
Monday, February 15, 2021 SOBERLINK In this free report, Judge Angie Arkin provides insights on what factors a judges typically considers when deciding custody arrangements.
Research / Report
How Parenting Plans are Being Modified During Covid
Monday, September 14, 2020 SOBERLINK Download this free report for information every family lawyer should know.
Research / Report
What Does “Best Interests of the Child” Standard Mean and How to Uphold It
Monday, June 29, 2020 SOBERLINK In most family law custody cases, the phrase “best interests of the child” comes up again and again. Navigating the bests interests of the child is a critical factor in supporting the entire family and preventing any harm from coming to the child. Download this report to continue reading.
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