Complimentary On-Demand Webinar

Liquid Handling Simplified: Reducing Cost and Complexity of Assay Development Through Automation and Miniaturization
Miniaturize to Maximize Your Laboratory Efficiency
This webinar will demonstrate how the MANTIS and TEMPEST liquid dispensers enable assay automation and miniaturization in various applications such as PCR, NGS, immunoassays, and cell and organoid culturing.

We will highlight the benefits of miniaturization, including increased sample density, improved data quality, higher throughput, and reduced costs.

We will also explain how the precision and accuracy of our liquid dispensers for automated low-volume dispensing can assist in maximizing the benefits of miniaturization.

About the Speaker:

Dr. Usman Ashraf is an application scientist at FORMULATRIX, responsible for liquid handling systems and their applications in life science areas. He received his Ph.D. in Molecular Biology with research focused on targeting viral genomes using CRISPR/Cas technology.

Liquid Handling Simplified: Reducing Cost and Complexity of Assay Development Through Automation and Miniaturization

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