Complimentary Supplement
Local Government Leadership for Economic Mobility & Opportunity Supplement
Special digital supplement to PM Magazine featuring data, examples, and inspiration for taking action
Over the past year, with support from the Gates Foundation, ICMA launched new programming aimed at boosting upward mobility in local communities. Our aim has been to raise awareness among local decision makers about opportunities to influence conditions that make it possible for all residents to move up the economic ladder and lead healthy,
prosperous lives.

As evidenced by responses to ICMA’s recent survey, we understand that the phrase “economic mobility” might not be one you routinely use to describe your priorities or service areas. Or you might think of it as just a large-city issue, beyond the capacity of smaller communities to address. But as senior program manager Bailey Barnett notes in her summary of survey findings, you might be doing (or have capacity to do) more than you think.

To further illustrate this point, this supplement highlights examples of how ICMA members, along with their colleagues and partners, in a wide range of communities are working together to (explicitly and implicitly) address economic mobility challenges faced by residents.

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