Implementing Work-Based Learning  
Internships and Career Shadows
Work-based learning allows students to see their ideal career choice first-hand before committing to a specific career path. With more focus on individual plans of study and Perkins V language to support all learners, work-based learning helps all students make important college and career choices. The presenter shares how to effectively implement and facilitate a work-based learning program through one-day career exploration shadows and longer, on-site internships. Attendees will receive editable documents to customize to their school for both programs, including Student Conduct Rules, Parent Release forms, Student Employee Evaluations, checklists and more. Curriculum and lesson plan resources for career planning and exploration will be provided. Ideas will be shared on how to enroll students in the program, ways to build community/business connections and measures to hold students accountable during the experience.

Presenter(s): Melinda Rangel, Tabor College, Newton Kansas
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