Complimentary App Note
Walk-away Sample Prep for any Sequencer
Increase efficiency with scalable, flexible sample prep for high-quality, HiFi sequencing
Volta Labs has introduced Callisto, a reimagined digital fluidics platform that enables programmable and precise manipulation and contact-free mixing of liquids and paramagnetic beads through the use of electric, thermal, and magnetic fields.

The platform is ideally suited for the extraction of HMW and supports library preparation for whole-genome and targeted short- and long-read sequencing applications. This study demonstrates the extraction of high-quality HMW DNA and robust preparation of SMRTbell libraries in different reaction formats, from a range of inputs, and with different workflow parameters. High-quality HiFi sequencing data and variant calling results were obtained with minimal training and a significant reduction in hands-on time.

Specific experimental design focus on:
  • Walk-away preparation of high-quality HMW DNA from lysed mammalian cells using a bead-based extraction kit
  • Automated library construction with the PacBio SMRTbell 3.0 kit in a miniaturized reaction format
  • Compatibility with a wide range of inputs and library construction parameters
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