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White Paper
Planning Global Compensation Budgets for 2024
Wednesday, June 12, 2024 ERI Economic Research Institute A guide for planning your organization's compensation budget for the coming year.
White Paper
National Compensation Forecast April 2024
Monday, June 10, 2024 ERI Economic Research Institute Review overall compensation trends from the last 20 years and the annual growth among occupations, including Health Care, Sales, and Information Technology.
A Practical Guide to Job Architecture
Tuesday, June 4, 2024 RoleMapper Jobs sit at the heart of strategic organizational priorities and people processes, making the need for future-proofed job frameworks more important than ever. Our guide looks at the key steps to a robust and agile job architecture.
White Paper
Turn Your Compensation Spreadsheet Into a Multi-User, Secure Web Application
Wednesday, April 3, 2024 SecureSheet Technologies, LLC Discover how you can keep the flexibility of the spreadsheet by merging it with the power and security of an HRIS Application.
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