Business Faculty Experiences with Online Community-Building Methods During and After Pandemic Initiated Move to Online Courses
In this study, the researchers explored the experiences of regional campus business faculty in developing a sense of community in their classes after the pandemic-driven shift to fully online learning. Additionally, the researchers sought to learn about faculty expected longer-term impacts on how they develop community in their courses after returning to pre-pandemic course modalities. The researchers distributed two surveys, the firsts administered during the Fall semester after the mid-term move to all online instruction and a follow-up survey approximately one year after the first. The purposes of this presentation are to discuss the results of the perceived effectiveness of the tools and approaches used for developing community and the long-term impacts to online teaching as experienced by the study participants

Dr. Thomas Mays, Miami University Regionals, West Chester, OH
Sonseeahray Ross, Miami University Regionals, West Chester, OH
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